Let me see if I understand this. Kathy Hoskins, whose testimony they reread to the jury this morning, was employed as Barry Bonds personal shopper. Really?

You mean people actually have personal shoppers? It’s like you want a Big Mac but instead of getting it yourself you tell this person you employ for that purpose to jump in the car and drive over to McDonald’s and buy the Big Mac and drive home. Or say you want a Christmas present for mom. You get the personal shopper to buy that as well.

What a deal. Rich people sure find creative ways to spend their money.

Hoskins also was Bonds’ personal packer. The guy apparently couldn’t pack his own suitcase for a road trip. Or maybe he was above packing. So she packed while, according to her, Greg Anderson injected him in the belly button. If Bonds didn’t have a personal shopper and packer like most normal people, Kathy Hoskins never would have been in a position to testify against him.

The lesson is do your own shopping and packing.

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