This is a difficult blog to write — about Joe Paterno. I don’t know Paterno or particularly care about him. It is alleged one of his coaches, Jerry Sandusky, sexually abused children while he worked for Paterno and even after he retired but had privileges on the Penn State campus.

This is difficult to write because no one has been convicted of anything. And I want to be careful.

But this much seems obvious. A graduate assistant told Paterno in 2002 he saw Sandusky having sex with a 10-year-old boy in a shower. Paterno reported the incident to the upper ups at Penn State. And after that, he did nothing.

Paterno is legally in the clear. He may not be morally in the clear. If he knew something had gone on, and did not pursue the case further he let a lot of people down. If I were in charge at Penn State I would ask him to retire right now.

What would you do?

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