Here is the opening to my Tuesday column about 49ers’ defensive coordinator Greg Roman:


I have a suspicion Jim Harbaugh will agree with what I’m about to write. I suspect Harbaugh believes Greg Roman is not good enough to be the 49ers’ offensive coordinator.

I sure don’t think he’s good enough.

Harbaugh has stressed again and again, “This is Greg Roman’s offense.”

When I first heard that simple declarative statement, I thought, “Gee, Harbaugh is praising the underling. That’s nice of Harbaugh to give someone else credit.”

I’ve begun to embrace an alternate interpretation. Harbaugh is not praising Roman. He’s assigning blame, assigning blame for four games in particular, games in which the 49ers scored, 13, 3, 13 and 13 points. Those are unacceptable totals in one-third of the games played to date.

“This is Greg Roman’s offense.”

To read the full column, please click here.

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