
Jim Harbaugh and bar fights

I wrote my Monday column from the 49ers-Browns game and although I meant to write on the game itself -- the game qua game -- Jim Harbaugh and I got off on a riff about bar fights at the postgame press conference. And I wrote about that. Ira Miller always [...]

By | October 30th, 2011|19 Comments

Bulletin: Lowell wins bet from his kid

The Browns just kicked a 52-yard field goal as the first half ended. It won't help them much as they trail 17-3 and are not in the Niners' class. But the field goal sure helped me. As I reported here on the Cohn Zohn, I made a gentleman's bet with [...]

By | October 30th, 2011|4 Comments

A question of etiquette

I'm writing about etiquette, so you can see I'm still sick and not back into sports. I drove over to Montclair Village, Oakland earlier today because I needed to buy a birthday card for my sister and I had to do some banking. As I walked down the street, a [...]

By | October 25th, 2011|59 Comments

Milk and Honey

So I crawled into bed last night and I started coughing because of this cold I have. "Do we have any cough syrup?" I croaked to Mrs. Cohn Zohn. "You don't want syrup," she said. "You want milk and honey." I never had milk and honey before. I hardly ever [...]

By | October 25th, 2011|7 Comments

The virtue of a cold

This is my second day as a non-worker, as a mere spectator on sports and life. I have this cold, you see, so I told my editor I wouldn't be attending Hue Jackson's Monday presser and I wouldn't be writing a column, and I told Comcast, with regret, I can't [...]

By | October 24th, 2011|24 Comments

The Palo Alto Blues

I'm sitting in the football press box at Stanford Stadium at 3 pm, waiting for the Stanford-Washington game to begin in two hours and I'm taking a deep breath. It's hard for me to return to Palo Alto but I'm not sure why. I spent six years at Stanford and [...]

By | October 22nd, 2011|8 Comments

Lowell and dip

This is not a sports blog, but I just feel like writing it. I've been thinking about food lately, how the food is great in California. I grew up in Brooklyn where we ate canned or frozen vegetables. The few times I had fresh vegetables I thought they tasted funny. [...]

By | October 14th, 2011|26 Comments

Lowell on TV

I just finished a kind of Hollywood day and night. I was on Comcast at 5 pm with Greg Papa, Barry Tompkins, Cam Inman and Greg Papa. Mostly we talked about Al Davis. Then I drove back to Oakland over to KTVU where I did another show about Al Davis [...]

By | October 11th, 2011|7 Comments

Lowell offers blanket apology

I want you to know I apologize. I apologize for everything. Here's the deal. Several readers have demanded I apologize to Trent Baalke, Alex Smith and Jim Harbaugh for doubting them, although I don't think I doubted Harbaugh. They demand I apologize for criticizing them, etc. Why Baalke and the [...]

By | October 10th, 2011|40 Comments

Where’s Lowell?

To all Zohnists who posted comments in the past 24 hours, my apologies for putting them up so late. In observance of Yom Kippur I did not work in the past 24 hours, from sundown Friday to sundown Saturday. I now have put up all your comments. I wrote an [...]

By | October 8th, 2011|6 Comments