I know I should be writing hard sports right now but, remember, I’m on vacation and I’m not even writing columns for another two weeks. So my mind is wandering — and I’m avoiding painting my front deck.

Now to Coors beer and sports, a subject that’s on my mind. I’ve been watching a lot of televised baseball games with my son Grant (aka Iggy) just because it’s wonderful to have him home again now that he graduated UCLA. I’m not much of a beer drinker but I can’t help seeing beer commercials, which bombard the airwaves. So, I’m writing about Coors but it could be lots of other beer companies I’d write about.

In the Coors commercial a pretty young woman usually is in love with the guy. In one she’s dressed in a sexy something or other and it’s clear she wants to get together with her man. In another the man and woman are walking down the street and he says he wants to window shop and she thinks he’s about to buy her a ring and propose marriage.

In the first story, the guy looks in the fridge, sees the Coors beer with that window gizmo on the canĀ and decides to drink all night. The woman looks crushed. In the second story, the guy means window shopping as in the Coors beer can with the window gizmo. He does not mean marriage.

So how are the men portrayed? Well, they like beer more than women. They are obtuse to what the women are feeling and maybe couldn’t care less. The men are a couple of doofuses.

Do I object that men are portrayed this way? Not much. The ads are simpleminded. But I wonder why beer companies feel comfortable — or feel it’s profitable — to portray men as asexual dopes.

The women in the ads don’t come off great, either. After all, they chose these silly men.

One thing I can tell you, I don’t think those ads will entice me to buy Coors — for whatever that’s worth.

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