Who is tonight’s All-Star Game for?

If it’s for the fans, baseball should not tie the result into home-field advantage in the World Series. It should be an exhibiiton game pure and simple with no lasting or serious consequences. The fans should vote for their favorite players.

But if the game is serious, if it decides home-field advantage in the Series — and it does — then the players and managers should vote for the players and the starters should play most of the game.

In other words, someone needs to decide if this game matters.

Marty Lurie has a good solution to the home-field advantage issue. They have interleague play now — a mistake, but they have it. Let the league which wins more interleague games that season get home-field advantage in the Series. That makes sense. Then the All-Star Game can revert to being the fun and games it’s supposed to be.

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