They pushed tonight’s Giants/Phillies game back to prime time, the Yankees being eliminated and all that. So it’s Jonathan Sanchez vs. Roy Oswalt in front of the nation.  Oswalt won the first time. I don’t believe he will be affected by his relief appearance, which wasn’t so hot by the way.

How will Sanchez do? It seems he’s always being tested and in a sense he’s earned a particle of doubt. He used to come unglued if things went against him. He doesn’t do that so much anymore. But you wonder about his composure in this game in Philly. He has developed a sinker slider forkball thingie and that makes him more effective. The Giants need him to compete and keep his pitch count down. And they need him to win. They need to end it tonight. Game 7 on Sunday in Philly is not an attractive prospect.

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