Does this latest Raiders’ mess, this news that Al Davis withheld $120,000 in salary from Tom Cable, reflect badly on Davis?

It’s a serious question. Maybe Cable did something really bad. He probably punched that guy and broke his jaw and he missed some OTAs. Who knows what else he did?

The problem is, Davis often tries to find ways not to pay coaches. He got out of it with Lane Kiffin and won in arbitration. He didn’t pay Mike Shanahan — I don’t think he ever has. And now he’s done this — Cable is taking steps to try to recover the dough.

So, maybe Davis has good cause. It’s just that he seems to screw coaches and it makes you think only the desperate would come to work for a man who tends to do this stuff. Cable was clearly the desperate. Obviously, Jim Harbaugh was not the desperate and would have been nuts to work for Davis — not that Davis asked him. I think this episode reflects badly on Davis. What do you think?

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