One thing I don’t understand about the Swimsuit Issue, which I’m looking at right now. There’s all these photos, very seductive, of beautiful curvy women and near each photo it always tells you who made the swimsuit and how much it costs. Like on page 44 I see this photo of Alyssa Miller — quite a photo — and down below it says, “Swimsuit by Susan Holmes Swimwear ($180).”

So, I ask you — does any man gawking at Alyssa Miller care that Susan Holmes made the bathing suit? Do guys at the local bar turn to each other and say, “Hey, Arnie, forget that photo of Alyssa. What really matters is Susan Holmes made the bathing suit.” To which Arnie replies, “I can see your point, Louie and quite a nice suit it is.”

I don’t think so.

So why do they include the swimsuit info? It’s a mystery of life.

It’s also a mystery why anyone in her right mind would spend 180 bucks on a bathing suit which is more unsuit than suit.

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