I know the draft is going on and all that, and all you want to read about is who gets picked when. But right now I’m writing about hand towels — I write this while Grant sits across from me at the Cohn Zohn dining room table and writes his draft predictions for today. I’ll post that in a moment.

I can’t stand when I go into a public rest room (do people rest in restrooms?) and wash my hands and go to dry them. The paper towels come out of the machine on the wall in little rectangles, so small I need several to get the job done. In the meantime my hands are up there and the water drips down my wrists into my shirt cuffs. The worst offender is that towel machine with the blinking little red light that lets out one measly paper sheet at a time. I guess places use this device to save money, but come on. It seems to me years ago towels were the right size and I never had to think about stuff like this.

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