For a long time, I’ve been fascinated by Trent Baalke’s voice. You know what I’m talking about. The 49ers’ GM talks like no one we’ve ever heard. Because I am a writer I try to put into words what Baalke’s voice sounds like to me. I find this difficult but I walk around the house trying.

Baalke’s voice sounds like tires on gravel.

Baalke sounds like one of those made men in “Goodfellas,” but not one of the top echelon guys.

I know those descriptions are inadequate but I keep trying.

I am not making fun of Baalke. This is not a judgement of his voice, merely a description. He’s an important sports figure around here and he could become way more important. He is a character in my writing and I try to do justice to him with my words. I love his voice but I’m not good at describing it — although it implies to me he is a straight-ahead guy, a man without pretensions, an honest guy, someone who does not try to fool you with flash over substance.

Have you noticed Baalke’s interesting voice?

Can you help me describe it?

To hear Baalke talk click here.

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