I awoke this morning to a bunch of reader comments about my comments about Brian Sabean’s comments about going after Scott Cousins. One responder called me a hypocrite because I said Cousins’ play was the essence of baseball but I said it was wrong for Sabean to threaten retaliation against Cousins.

I am not the only one who feels Sabean went over a line and I am not the only one who feels baseball has a petty culture of revenge. But I’ll pass by that issue.

Here’s my point. My logic may be faulty. There may be a contradiction in it. This is an extremely difficult topic and writers and sports fan are struggling with it. Reasonable people come down on both sides of the issue.

I appreciate it when people write, “Lowell, I disagree with your argument because …” I am amazed when someone disagrees and immediately goes to the personal level, “Cohn, you’re a hypocrite.” I don’t mean to be a hypocrite. I’m usually a reasonable person.

I appreciate the Cohn Zohners because the overwhelming majority talk issues and don’t attack me or each other. I want it that way.

Plus, when someone personally attacks me he/she calls me Cohn instead of Lowell. I wonder what the psychology of that is.

I will of course continue to post comments that go after me personally. I can take it.

Note to Johnny Christo: Ray Chapman died as a result of a pitch to the head. We don’t advocate death by revenge on the Zohn.

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