My friend Jerry Kram — he went to Lafayette College with me and is a doctor in the East Bay and I’m having dinner with him Friday night — just sent me this note about Al Davis.
Hi Lowell,
Just read your Al Davis obit. Thought I ‘d remind you of an important interaction I had with him.
Now many years ago, don’t remember exactly, his wife Carol suffered a cardiac arrest at home in Piedmont. His close friend and next door neighbor, Dr. Robert Albo, resuscitated her, I assume with the EMT’s once they arrived. She was moved to Summit (then Merritt) hospital and, as the pulmonary and critical care guy there, I ended up taking care of her. She was in a coma and remained so for many weeks with many, including me at some point, skeptical that she would awaken even if her body survived, but we nursed her through and, shockingly, she recovered and was alert and functional.
During the time she was in a coma, Al was at the hospital virtually 24 hours a day. He had a cot moved in and slept there in her critical care cubical. He was kind and considerate. He was friendly and cordial to me and, as best I can recall, all the staff. No tirades, anger, etc. With peristent faith she would recover. So just thought you and most might not see that side.

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