Thanks for playing, everyone. You’ve enriched everyone’s day by mentioning all those wonderful movies.

I want to keep playing, so here’s the next question. What makes road trip movies so good?

Bear with me on this, please. I mentioned in the first post that two parallel trips occur. There is the trip in real time and space — the protagonists go somewhere and have adventures. At the same time, one or more of the main characters learn something about themselves — go on an inner journey. OK?

But there’s so much more that you probably see that I don’t see. So, please tell me what road trip movies mean to you, what they add to your appreciation for and understanding of life. If this sounds too much like an English class assignment, I apologize in advance. There is a bit of a fuddy duddy in me. And remember, no one gets graded on this assignment. I appreciate all your comments.

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