This Hall of Fame voting is so troubling when it comes to great players who may have cheated by using steroids, etc. I struggle with this. I really do.

Let’s put aside the case of Roger Clemens, for a moment. There will be plenty of time to discuss him.

Let’s put aside the argument that lots of players used steroids so we should let all of them slide. I reject that, at least for now. It seems soft, perhaps spineless.

Here is my reasoning with Bonds. He never was convicted of using steroids, but I believe he used them. I saw him day by day grow into a cartoon figure. How did that happen? I see him now so svelte. Why? I think he cheated. Lots of people do. A whole book asserted he did and Bonds never sued for libel.

If there is clear evidence a guy used PEDs, I say tough luck, I won’t vote for him. It’s not my fault he got caught or he made it so obvious. Sure, some cheaters may get in the hall. That doesn’t mean all should get in.

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