In case you don’t know, Aldon Smith got stabbed at a party this morning. His injuries are not believed to be serious. Two other people got shot at that party. Be glad you weren’t there.

I am thankful Smith will be OK. Thank God no one was killed.

I can’t help noticing lots of bad things are happening to the Niners this offseason, some their fault, some not their fault.

1. Niners strike out on Peyton Manning.

2. Jim Harbaugh tries to rewrite history by saying he never pursued Manning. (Harbaugh’s credibility takes big hit.)

3. Niners make big deal breaking ground on new stadium.

4. Niners lose chunk of funding for stadium and now other stadium funding may be at risk. Niners sue Santa Clara County. Stay tuned for result.

5. Aldon Smith gets DUI.

6. Aldon Smith gets stabbed.

And there’s still one month of the offseason to go.

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