From time to time readers of the Cohn Zohn get ticked off at me. That is to be expected. People get passionate about sports. I am opinionated — it’s the fun of what I do — and, sure, sometimes I rub people the wrong way. But I try never to get personal in my responses to readers. If I fall short of this, I apologize. From time to time, I “trash” someone’s comment. I do that if it’s in bad taste. I also do it if I think the writer is trying to get into an extended back and forth with me. I generally allow someone to dispute me twice. And that’s it. Time to move on. I generally like to get in the last word because, well, this is my blog. So if someone disputes my point a third time, I usually delete it. And I always delete comments which attack me personally. Sorry, that isn’t allowed.

I mention this because a few writers have been caustic to me lately and, because of that, they are no longer appearing on the blog. And a few may have dropped out because I didn’t keep posting their arguments. That’s life.

I do have a question, though: Where have you gone, Fred Garcia?

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