Today is the first day of my vacation. I slept in. Then I made a cup of coffee and read two newspapers on our back deck — beautiful day here in the Oakland hills. I have absolutely nothing to do. I’m not used to that. I like action. Tomorrow, the entire Cohn Zohn is driving to Stanford. A close friend of Grant’s is starting graduate school there in the fall and we’re giving the grand tour.

I will post my Sunday column tonight — I wrote it on Friday. I will keep blogging on vacation, not as much as usual. But I like blogging. Some writers keep journals and notebooks. I never did that, I don’t know why. This blog is the closest thing I have to a journal. Some very personal things I don’t put in here, but I write what’s on my mind and what I do and learn. I’ll be doing that for the next month or so. I hope you come along for the ride. On Wednesday Mrs. Cohn Zohn and I drive up to Ashland. Shakespeare himself texted me: “Dude, get up here for the festival,”he wrote.

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