Mrs. Cohn Zohn and I are spending two nights in Sonoma County with our close friends Jerry and Lily. Today Mrs. Cohn Zohn and I went into the town of Sonoma. She shopped and I wandered into three wine tasting rooms, I like them all — Kamen, Haywood and Westwood. They tell me Kamen is from the Bronx. Hoo hah!  As I wandered around I saw many men loitering on the street. I know who they are. They are “The Man on the Street.” They try to look busy while their wife shops, but they really are not busy. They don’t know what to do with themselves. They stand and try to look involved. They should join me in the tasting rooms. Then they wouldn’t be the Man on the Street. They would be the Jolly Man in the Tasting Room.

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