I say Buster Posey is overrated. I have been tweeting that and readers are sore at me. I can take it. Besides, I’m retired and life is grand.

Is Posey an excellent hitter? Sure he is.

Is Posey an excellent catcher? Sure he is.

Is he a good guy? He seems to be.

So, what’s my beef? Just this. He gets paid 21 million a season for many years to come. That’s big money for, allegedly, the best player on the team. I guess he is the best. For that dough, the Giants expect him to be a cleanup hitter. He bats fourth. A cleanup hitter cleans up. Drives in runs. Hits with power. Changes games. You know that.

Posey does not do all of the above. As of Monday morning he has one home run and three RBIs. That’s eighth hitter stuff. That’s weak.

He is batting .354. Excellent. But it’s soft. Very soft. You want to know his batting average with runners in scoring position? .235. That’s what. Weak. The Giants are overpaying for that measly production and they are over-depending on him. If he were fast — he isn’t — he could be a leadoff hitter. In a real batting order, he’d bat sixth. That’s why I say he’s overrated.

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