
Anabolic steroids and sex

Dr. Bowers on bad effect of anabolic steroids: “The East German study shows impotence is one of side effects of anabolic steroids in men. When the steroid cycle ends your normal steroid cycle hasn’t started. There’s a difficulty arising that can lead to impotence. If you use anabolic steroids the potential is there you [...]

By | March 24th, 2011|3 Comments

Bonds and human growth hormone

Things were just humming along in court. The prosecutor asked the expert re: the clear and the cream and the defense said nothing. the minute the prosecution said human growth hormone defense attorney Ruby asked for a side bar. Side bar just ended and now they're talking HGH.

By | March 24th, 2011|0 Comments

Lowell at Bonds trial

I'm at the Bonds trial and it's about 11 in the morning. The prosecution has a drug maven on the stand mostly talking about what performance drugs do. Kind of dull. Bonds is looking and listening to the guy, shows no emotion. Looks like a college student bored at a [...]

By | March 24th, 2011|2 Comments

The Barry Bonds farce

As Zohn readers know I am no fan of Barry Bonds. I interacted with him too often, and face-to-face interaction will put you off the guy. I also believe he cheated -- illegally used PEDs like a lot of other players. And I believe he lied to a grand jury. [...]

By | March 20th, 2011|24 Comments

Re: PEDs, a question

Now with Roger Clemens under indictment for lying about taking performance enhancing drugs, which he almost certainly did, and Barry Bonds facing trial under similar circumstances, I have a question. Do you think pro sports should just allow anyone who wants to to use PEDs under a doctor's care? Athletes will [...]

By | August 19th, 2010|15 Comments