I always thought Tim Lincecum was a neat guy — as in he keeps things neat and clean. His locker always looks neat and well-cared for. But according to SF Gate, his San Francisco landlord is suing him for 200 grand — yes, that’s right — for trashing his apartment near AT&T Park. This is so un-Lincecum. Or should I say so un-Timmy.

I have no idea if Lincecum is a little piglet who trashes the place where he lives. This will be worked out in the legal system. If Lincecum actually trashed the place, usually the judgment is for a lot less than the original suit.

But one other thing — if Lincecum loses the suit, it just goes to show, once again, how little we actually know about our sports heroes.

To read the SF Gate piece click here.

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