
Phrases I never want to hear

I need to get this off my chest. it's about phrases I never want to hear again. Ever. I watched the Giants game on ESPN last night and already I've had enough of "the situation." I kept hearing stuff like it's a first and third situation or it's a two [...]

By | April 1st, 2011|19 Comments

Oakland Tribune — what gives?

Neal and Stan, this post is not about sports. It's about journalism. I warn you up front because I don't want to misrepresent this post, which I write with sadness and passion. I take two actual paper newspapers at home -- the SF Chronicle and the Oakland Tribune. I love [...]

By | March 4th, 2011|37 Comments

Swimsuit Issue

One thing I don't understand about the Swimsuit Issue, which I'm looking at right now. There's all these photos, very seductive, of beautiful curvy women and near each photo it always tells you who made the swimsuit and how much it costs. Like on page 44 I see this photo of Alyssa Miller [...]

By | February 16th, 2011|16 Comments